Sunday, April 10, 2011

1604 - Summer

In this year, our founder is fruitful and multiplies!

After the wedding, Artemis and LaShawn quickly and easily settled into their domestic roles
Do you want to get dressed today LaShawn? No? Ok....
Artemis is totally into his crops right now... lets not disturb him

LaShawn is already turning out to be a better wife than Brandi, in that she gets knocked up right away.
Now all I need to do is remember to take care of you!
I forget to roll for acceleration on this pregnancy, so she rides the whole things out.

Unfortunately, that means the only time Artemis and LaShawn see each other is at the break of dawn for breakfast.  I don't dare let her do any hard work.  They don't say much to each other...
But that's alright, because LaShawn is still alive and still pregnant!
I eventually get a home business up and running, and Artemis is very proud.

The cash register isn't too strenuous, so I let LaShawn handle that...
Carry the peas... add the lima bean...
Even The Almighty PTB stops by to check out the store!

That evening, after the store closes, I have LaShawn prepare herself a nutritious dinner, but she stops cooking to give birth

Brandon Crane comes first

Followed by Bronwynn. 
I really like this name, but every time I use it, the girl dies.... Hopefully I'm wrong this time! 
LaShawn rolls 13 and 14 for the births, and survives both!  I'm happy for this, and I'm crossing my fingers that they both end up with elf ears.

Check back for the next post when tragedy befalls the family!!

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