Sunday, April 10, 2011

Introductions and the first 3 years

 This post introduces my founder Artemis Crane, and covers the first 3 years.  It's poorly formatted, but I promise, things will get better!

This is my founder Artemis Crane
He's a family sim, and I can't really remember anything else about him, other than that I based him off the elven face archetype, because I like elven Sims and I want some in my hood.

1600 is a short year, and the only think that happens is that he meets Lily Do. 

She likes what she sees, and they have a short date that goes well.

Artemis earns a bronze and silver talent badge from tending his crop of pole beans, and for some reason he gets into a shoving match with Makato St. Julien

Artemis meets Lindsay Louie, but she's a money sim, and that's just not going to work.
Hey look it's La Shawn Cameron! I really like her because she makes good looking babies.  I know this because she's been in a few other of my legacies.  She likes Artemis too, so I have a good feeling about this...
Unfortunately for Artemis, she walks off when he takes a break to water the plants.

Sandy Bruty also walks by, and I'm eyeballing her as a potential wife too.  I have strong sentimental feelings towards her, but only because she's also been in one of my legacies, but she got hit by a satelite.... the only satellite death I've ever had.
Unfortunately things don't really work out between them, so we move on to the next potential...

Brandy LeTourneau walks by a bit latter, and they have a lovely date.  It's getting late in the year, so I'm going to have to make sure to move quick on this one...

It takes two dates, but I finally get them engaged, and I get them married quickly.  I don't want another situation where a fiance walks off, and never comes back...

Brandi brings $5,000 cash, and an inventory full of crap, which I sell for about $25,000

That brings us to the end of 1602!  I'll be posting the entries by the year, and I haven't decided on the frequency... so yeah. 

Thanks for reading!!

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