Friday, April 22, 2011

1605 - Summer

In this year, hard times befall the family

Welcome to 1605!  This year/season is also summer.

Nothing much happens in the first few days. Artemis tends the crops in the morning, and they both run the shop in the evening  The babies do well, except Bronwynn is glitched and cries ALL THE TIME!!
Why so sad Bronwynn?
The babies grow up, and they're both pretty (as expected)

 Brandon rolls an 8 ans survives (14/20), but the Bronwynn curse strikes again and she rolls 18 (13/20).  She must have known it was going to happen.  That's the only explanation I can come up with for why she cried non stop.

Of course the family is devastated, so I decide to send Artemis and LaShawn on a stay at home date to try to lift their spirits.

No baby, don't worry, we're just gonna cuddle...
Ha! Yeah sure, "cuddle"
The next day LaShawn pops.  I had no idea she was pregnant thanks to the silent pregnancy hack.  At this point, I wasn't rolling for accelerations, and she had been out working the cash register for most of the day.  I try to avoid tragedy, and send her to bed for a nap, but I'm too late.
Another miscarriage!!
She rolls 8 (14/20) and survives this miscarriage, but rolls 4 (12/20) on accusal of witchcraft. Get ready for some spectacular story telling.

LaShawn did her best to carry on as if nothing had happened.  She explained to Artemis that she must have been confused about the timing.  Artemis believed her for a time, but eventually her nightly emotional breakdowns began to concern him.

He ignored them for a while, but they just kept getting more and more troubling to see.  One night Artemis woke to go to the bathroom and found LaShawn standing in the corner, just staring at the wall

wtf? This woman has gone MAD!!
'Enough is enough!' Artemis decided. He was going to say something.  It had been a few weeks since LaShawn "thought" she was pregnant, but now he was sure: She HAD been pregnant, and whatever witchcraft she had used to end the pregnancy was driving her insane!

Artemis: I know what you did, and it's WRONG!!
LaShawn: You have NO IDEA what you're talking about, OR what I've been going through!!
You're right, I don't! But it doesn't matter.... I've already called the Sheriff!
Did I just blow your mind?

Your Welcome ((wink))

I send LaShawn to the Prison I imported specially for this story, populated with "Executioner Simmons"

"Name and Crime Ma'am?"
I check her in, and play her there for a few days so she ages appropriately.  I expiramented a bit with some rules for prison life, but I found the rules I came up with to be too strict and potentially deadly.  I'll have to tweak them a bit more to make Prison life more realistic.

"I'm sooooo bored!!!"

Meanwhile, back at home, Artemis is trying his best to raise his son as a single father.  At this point, I don't know if LaShawn is going to survive her stint in prison, so I put the crops and the business on hold.

Ok, so, what do I feed this kid?
Artemis manages to do a pretty good job, and Brandon grows up well 5 (16/20)

Hello, Handsome!

And with that we're at the end of 1605!

Will LaShawn come home from Prison?! What will happen to the home business?!

Check back soon for the next post!

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